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Find new sites to target on Pops
Find new sites to target on Pops
RTX Platform Support avatar
Written by RTX Platform Support
Updated over a week ago

Discovering new domains that convert well for your offer is a great way to increase ROI. Try the methods below to find new domains to target and test on Pops!

Target broadly and track referral traffic

Add broad targets to your campaign, then look at the sites your broad targets are matching using RTX Platform reporting or the {domain} and {url} macros. Once you start collecting conversion data for the sites serving your ad, identify the URLs and domains that refer high-converting traffic. Then, add those high-converting domains as domain targets, and longer URLs as URL targets. Increase your bids for those targets to maximize volume (TIP: You can also add blacklisted domains for domains that don't convert).
To target broadly, try adding the following types of targets:

  • URL + Page Content and Search Query targets (TIP: Shorter targets match more broadly than longer targets.)

  • Run of Network(NOTE: Run of network (RON) targeting is not available by default. Because RON targets all traffic and can quickly and significantly increase volume, advertisers are required to contact their account manager or to learn more about RON before being able to add the RON target to campaigns.)

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