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Conversion Tracking on the new RTX Platform
Conversion Tracking on the new RTX Platform
RTX Platform Support avatar
Written by RTX Platform Support
Updated over a week ago

RTX Platform supports S2S (Server-to-server) postback tracking for all campaigns within the platform.

Conversion tracking allows Advertisers to optimize traffic bids based on real-time conversion rates and to fill the analytical reports with critical performance metrics.

Conversion tracking in our system works in the following way:

  • The visitor clicks on the Ad and the click ID gets passed to the Advertiser.

  • The visitor triggers the conversion event.

  • The Advertiser triggers our postback URL and passes the same click ID which lets the system know that this visitor has made this conversion.

Below are the steps to set conversion tracking for the ad.

  1. Go to the TQ & Analytics tab and click on the Show Conversion Tracking button:

  1. Click on the button

    to create a Goal, set its name, and the Cost Per Value (1 by default).

For example:


The Cost Per Value is not a conversion price. This is a coefficient that will be applied to the conversion value (returned by the advertiser in the postback URL).

  1. Choose whether to use the New Bid Optimization or not.


Dynamically adjust and maximize bids, while trying to keep the “Cost” metric at the same level or below the “Target Value” metric.

Please note, that during the initial learning period, bids may not be fully optimized, and the “Cost” metric may not match the “Target Value”. While the optimizer recalculates its bidding models in near real-time, nevertheless it is advised to limit the campaign budget initially, to prevent possible overspending issues.

Depending on the choice, the following settings can be applied:



Min subid clicks for optimization

Sets the number of clicks that will be tested with the Default bid.

After the number is reached, each subid will be bidding using the optimized bid.

Min subid conversions for optimization

Sets the number of conversions that will be tested with the Default bid.

After the number is reached, each subid will be bidding using the optimized bid.

Min subid clicks for blacklisting

Sets the number of clicks that will be tested with the Default bid.

If a specific subid doesn’t produce any conversions it gets blocked.

  1. Click on Submit to save the settings.

  2. Click on the

    icon to get the postback URL and other details for conversion tracking:

A new window will appear:

The URL field displays the postback URL that shall be called by the advertiser to notify about the conversion.

For example, the URL along with the Goal ID parameter can be used to track multiple postback events such as registration, purchases, or other events within one campaign:{conversion}&count={count}&value={value}

The URL without the Goal ID can be used as a Global Pixel to track a single conversion type for the campaign without setting up any goals:{conversion}&count={count}&value={value}
  1. Go to the creative and insert the macro {conversion} to the destination URL. For example:

where conv – is your actual parameter for tracking conversions.

  1. On the creative grid click on the icon

    to test the conversion. For example, the following test URL was generated:

Where test click ID = fesuVxvPInQ

Don’t close the window until the test is completed.

Click on the test URL and make a test conversion. Call the postback URL with a test click ID.

For example, this URL returns the details about the conversion without Goal ID:

This URL returns the details about the conversion with Goal ID 2835165:

Click on the button

to see the results of the test.

When the test is successful:

  • The ‘Status’ column will display ‘Success’.

  • The ‘Count’ and the ‘Value’ columns will display values sent in the postback URL (in our example, it’s 1 and 1 accordingly).

In the example above, the first line shows the results for the global pixel (without goal ID) and the second line shows the results for goal ID 2835165).

If the postback URL was called incorrectly, the error will be displayed:


Test conversions are not real conversions and will not be recorded in the reports. These conversions are used for the test mode only.

Conversion Reporting

If the advertiser configured the tracking on their side correctly and calls the postback URL when the conversions are made on their side, the conversions stats will be displayed in the ‘Conversion Tracking’ section of the Advertiser Reports:

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