A Campaign is an entity that allows users to set up ads, target the right audience, and use the optimization to get the best results.
Campaigns are located in the main menu Campaigns.
You can use search and filters to find the campaigns you need:
The Campaigns grid has the following columns:
Column | Description |
Actions | This column displays the following icons: – Allows to edit the campaign settings. – Allows to copy the campaign settings and create a new campaign. – Allows to delete the campaign. – Displays information about the tracking conversion. |
ID | The ID of the campaign. |
Enabled | The status of the campaign (enabled or disabled). |
Campaign Name | The campaign name |
Campaign Type | The campaign type |
Start Date | Allows setting a date when the campaign and all the offers within the campaign will start buying. |
End Date | Allows setting a date when the campaign and all the offers within the campaign will stop buying. |
Creatives | Shows the number of creatives on the campaign. Read how to create a creative here. |
Total Budget | Allows setting a total budget limit for the Campaign. The campaign will not spend above the set value. |
Total Cost | Displays the total spend of the campaign. |
Daily Budget | Allows setting a daily budget limit for the Campaign. |
Today’s Cost | Displays the spending for the current day. This is a dynamic value. |
Clicks/Views per day | Allows setting a click/views limit per day. |
Clicks per IP | Allows setting a click limit per one IP address. |
Today’s Clicks/Views | Shows clicks/views for the current day. |
Today’s Conversions | Shows conversions for the current day. |
Description | Allows adding notes for a campaign. |
How to Create a Campaign
To create a campaign, click Campaigns in the main menu and select the campaign you want to create:
Or use the New Campaign button on the Campaign’s grid:
Read about the settings available when creating a campaign here:
Campaigns Editing
The Edit button allows you to edit the campaign settings.
The campaign editing window has the following tabs
Campaign & Budget
Ad Group Targeting
TQ & Analytics
Keywords (for CPC and Popunder campaigns only)
The Campaign & Budget tab has the following fields:
Field | Description |
Name | Allows setting the name of the campaign. |
Date Range | Allows setting the date range of the campaign. |
Total Budget | Allows setting a total budget limit for the Campaign. |
Daily Budget | Allows setting a daily budget limit for the Campaign. |
Default CPC | Allows setting a fixed CPC price that is paid by the advertiser. |
How would you like to spend your daily budget? | Allows setting a budget type for the Campaign. |
Daily Clicks | Allows setting a daily click limit for the campaign. |
Conversions per Day | Allows setting a daily conversion limit for the campaign. |
Clicks per IP | Allows setting a limit on the number of clicks that can be made from a unique IP address per day. |
Impressions per IP | Allows setting a limit on the number of impressions that can be made from a unique IP address per day. |
Read more about Campaign & Budget here.
The Ad Group Targeting tab has the following fields:
Field | Description |
Locations | Allows setting the locations. |
Time Targeting | Allows setting the days and hours. |
Languages | Allows setting the languages. |
Operating Systems | Allows setting the operating systems. |
Device Types | Allows setting the device types. |
Device Models | Allows setting the device models. |
Browsers | Allows setting the browsers. |
Auto-include new browser versions | If this checkbox is checked, newly released versions of the browser will be automatically enabled. Please note that this will only work if the previous 10 versions are enabled. |
Connection Type | Allows setting the connection types. |
Carriers | Allows setting the carriers. |
The Keywords tab (available for CPC and Popunder campaigns only) has the following settings:
Setting | Description |
RON | If RON matching is enabled this campaign will receive impressions/requests with any keyword. |
Keywords | – allows adding a keyword. After clicking on the New Keyword button, you will see a keywords grid. – allows importing keywords from the file. After clicking on the Import from CSV button select the file with keywords in a .csv format. |
The TQ & Analytics tab has the following settings:
Setting | Description |
Domain Lists | Allows applying the domain list. |
IP Lists | Allows applying the IP list. |
Conversion Tracking | Allows setting up conversion tracking for a campaign. |
Impression Tracking | Allows setting up impression tracking for a campaign. |
Read more about TQ & Analytics here.